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About us

The Digital Map Ltd. has been created in 2003 as a further step of the academic activity in informatics and related areas undergoing at the University.
Its CEO is Dr. Ing. Carlos López.

Dr. Ing. Carlos López
Dr. López was born at Montevideo, Uruguay on september 8th, 1961. In 1987 he got an Industrial Engineering degree from the Engineering School of the University of the Republic, with specialization in Mechanical Engineering.
In 1993 he was awarded with a M.Sc. degree in Applied Fluid Mechanics, also at the same university, being his supervisor Dr. Vicent Espert of the Valencia Polytechnic University, Spain. His thesis (in spanish) was about the wind energy resource evaluation for Uruguay.
In 1997 he received the Doctor in Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree, at the School of Surveying (Centre for Geoinformatics) at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
His thesis (in english) was about a comparative analysis of statistical, artificial intelligence, as well as traditional procedures to detect outliers in geographic databases. A variety of data types have been considering, including quantitative, qualitative and time series as well.
His complete Vitae, as well as links to his papers (mostly in english) could be found here.

Ing. Antonio López
Antonio López was born at Montevideo, Uruguay, on january 6th, 1968. He got the Engineering Degree on Computer Science at the Engineering School of the University of the Republic in 1994.
Since 1991 Antonio has been working at the University, being at present an Adjoint Professor at the Computer Science Department. His academic activities have been concentrated in High Performance Computing, and has had also activities regarding Numerical Analysis. He has advised a number of undergraduate projects, for computer science students.
He has had also an intense professional activity, including a couple of years at Microsoft Uruguay (corporate account engineer) until coming to TDM in 2002.

A/S Martín Furno
Martín Furno is an associate consultant to The Digital Map. He was born at Montevideo, Uruguay on december, 7th 1972. He got a degree from the Engineering School of the University of the Republic in 1997.
Since then he was involved at the Engineering School as a teacher for Computer Science. In the private sector, he is in charge of the uruguayan branch of Iberian Raccoon, S. L., a Madrid based company specialized in WEB applications development.
He was the designer and co-author of SIRENA, being under his supervision the current version.
Martín is an expert in the development of complex WEB applications, either under LINUX or Windows platform.

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Last updated on July 19, 2004.